Pull Up Bar Size Diameter
The bar a standard pull up bar is 1 1 in diameter and 2 3 in length. Optimum pull up bar diameter. Homemade Parallel Bars And Pull Up Bar All Things Gym Outdoor Pull Up Bar Pull Up Bar Backyard Gym I am getting reading to make a chin pull up station in my basement. Pull up bar size diameter . I bought 1 1 4 hollaender speed rail fittings based on what i took to be the specs on cf san diego s set up but when i got some 1 1 4 pipe it seems too thick for the average person. Two 5 x 5 inch posts measuring 10 to 11 feet. I make two assumptions that this question of the best diameter for a pull up bar is with reference to the diameter of the round bar and that the bar is of sufficiently stable material and construction. The 2 grip makes for a harder workout and is excellent for building grip strength. What diameter bar would you suggest. You will need the following items to create just one pull up bar. Weather proofing when making pull up bars you want to ensure that th...